A Summer of Fun!
To put it mildly, this summer has been exciting. My first task was to get copies of my book, The Extraordinary Life of Romulus Donkwad: Search for the Missing Whisker Link, into the local bookstores. I'm pleased to report that, in addition to Cole's in New Minas, my book is available at locally owned bookshops from Bear River to Kentville. Seeing the book I wrote on a bookshop shelf is a dream come true.
Cole's Bookstore in New Minas
I quickly learned that readers can find my book in a variety of other ways. I received an invitation to the Harbourville bookclub. An orange cat was first to arrive at the meeting; he followed me into the community centre. This certainly made us chuckle, to say the least. I felt quite fortunate to be able to share my book writing experience with this lovely group of women, as well as a wandering cat who stopped over to celebrate a book about cats.
Harbourville Bookclub
I have always enjoyed going to the farmers market. It's the greatest place to get fresh farm food. Apart from organic produce, there is so much more, a large range of handcrafted products and services are offered. This summer I was on the other side of the table with my book. It was a fun experience meeting people who were eager to share stories and pictures of their cats. My next adventure was to participate in some local craft fairs, and this will continue for the next few months.
Wolfville Farmers Market
It has brought me great satisfaction to have readers come up to my table and tell me how much they enjoyed my book. The Extraordinary Life of Romulus Donkwad is meant for those who wish to experience a world where cats rule. Romulus Donkwad and his buddies will definitely make you laugh as they help you temporarily forget about the real world.
Happy reading,
More pictures of my reader's secret agent cats:
This is a rare photograph of the elusive pair of secret agents, Willow and Tabatha. It was taken from up in a tree using a telephoto lens looking into the window of the home of reader, Julie. The pair is currently on sabbatical from a long, deep undercover assignment with the Cerulean Order of Felines. After they return to duty, if you happen to spot them, pretend you don’t see them and move on. Their identity and whereabouts must remain secret. It was no accident that this picture is blurry.
Email us pictures of your secret agent cat to: theresa@theresamaclean.com